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Jan 11

Just Arrived!  Amazing Antique Stained Glass.  Each piece measures 17 b 14 inches.

Cards, Chocolate Candy Hearts, we import from Italy, Handmade Cards, Antique Cards, Everything you need to make your own cards, Stickers, Antique scrap, gifts and more………we hope to see you soon.

Jan 14

                                      Handmade and Antique Valentines!   AND  Our Special Chocolate from Italy!

(With Valentine messages in Italian, English and French inside each Chocolate Heart)


Chinese Lunar New Year, Year of the Rabbit

Jan 14


Antique Valentines

Handmade Valentines

Make Your Own Valentines

Valentine Packages

Jan 9


More pictures to come!   Antique Valentines, Handmade Valentines, Vintage Valentines, Everything You need to make your own Valentines.   Special Chocolate Hearts from Italy, with a love message in each one.   I promise, more pictures tomorrow of the window and around the store.   We are open 10 to 5 Monday through Saturday and 1 to 5 on Sunday. It is safe,  I am paranoid about safety.  If you see anything you like and can’t come to the store.  Just email and I will give you price and more information.  susanstor@earthlink.net

Jan 8







Jan 12

We have new treasures to tempt you and Valentines for everyone you LOVE!  Antique c1800,

Vintage c195o and Handmade.












If you see something you like, email us at susanstor@earthlink.net.  We are happy to answer all your

questions, send more pictures, etc.   We ship out everyday.   More pictures to come……….