By Popular Request……..More photos. Remember if you have questions about anything call or email 415 456 1333 or [email protected] We ship out everyday. It turns out our Valentines are very popular online.
By Popular Request……..More photos. Remember if you have questions about anything call or email 415 456 1333 or [email protected] We ship out everyday. It turns out our Valentines are very popular online.
If you see something You Like or need help with the Perfect Gift. Call or email 415 456 1333 [email protected]
We ship out FedX or Priority Mail Everyday.
Steiff has made a replica of our bear. This is Dietmar at the Steiff Factory holding the 2 bears. Bear on the right is the Antique Bear, Bear on the left is the Replica. This is the bear used on many of the cards from, “Susan’s Card Company”. 50cm, limited to 1000 worldwide, $598. We get 1st Dibs and need to get our order in right away. Please call 415 456 1333 or email [email protected] to place your order. Free shipping. We will have bear in time for Christmas. We are very excited, included with your order will be several cards where this bear posed for the camera.
We clean the backrooms, the corners, the drawers, the rafters. Anything that has been in the store too long is 50% off.
We put tables out in front……..EVERYONE HAS A GOOD TIME!
Saturday, June 14, (Closed Sunday for Father’s Day) through Friday June 20.
New “vintage Steiff Bear”. Remember if you see anything you like on this blog, give us a call. 415 456 1333 or email [email protected]
We happily ship out everyday.
We have Unique Gifts for the Graduate.
Gifts for the Graduate and A Small Gift for that Special Teacher.
More pictures to come. Be sure and “like” our Facebook page…….and we have some things listed on Ebay and Etsy, ?? Pinterest too.
Yikes, when we started Susan’s Store Room we thought the Fax machine was amazing.
Thoughtful and Unusual Gifts for Everyone on Your List.
Every animal you can think of……from A to Z. Emu, Giraffe, Baboon, A Ride on Zebra, Camel, Horse or Lion.
Glass Old World Christmas Ornaments.
Steiff (We have the largest collection West of the Rockies.)
Extraordinary Books. (Antique, Vintage and New)
Candy, Handmade Cards, Stickers, Vintage Cigar Box Treasure Boxes, Fairy Houses, Sealing Wax, Stocking Stuffers…………
We hope you can stop buy……..It is a Christmas Party Everyday.
Remember……..We ship out everyday…….If you see something you like just give us a call or email.
415 456 1333 [email protected]
We are all about The Sea this Summer.
We have Antique Shell Art, Sea Creatures, Fish, Shells, Mermaid Houses, Handmade Mermaids, Vintage Aquarium Mermaids, and all sorts of Gifts from the Sea.
Happy Valentine’s Day.
We hope to see you soon and be sure and see the movie, “Midnight in Paris” it is fabulous. ( Plus they have a party scene that takes place in our favorite store in Paris, Deyrolle.)
We have Antique Valentines 1790-1890, Vintage Valentines 1900-1960s, Handmade Valentines, Valentines for Children, Chocolate, Candy Boxes, Gift Bags, Love Tokens, and everything you need to make your own Valentines.
If you are not able to visit the store, give us a call, we ship out everyday. We are happy to help you make a selection. 415 456 1333 or [email protected]
The Antique Steiff Display
Rick Emerson, Director of Product and Marketing for Steiff, chats with the Great, great, great grand daughter of Margarete Steiff.
Susan’s Bear
Customers watch the Steiff video on How a Steiff Teddy Bear is made.
One of the Steiff Bears brought in for appraisal. A 1905, much loved Steiff Teddy Bear.
A very cute real hedgehog.
Susan with the Albino Boa.
Susan with the Ferret.
Antique Steiff from the collection of Denis Morella.
We have collected Shells from all over the world. For decorations and craft projects. We will show you how to make a vase or memory jar, Easy and Fun. One of our customers took a Santos and made her a shell skirt. Spectacular. She is displayed in our window. We have Mermaid books, Mermaid Houses, Mermaid Rugs and Antique Shell Art.
Vase in the back is 85 years old, the 2 in front are July 2011. We have figured out how to make these vases. It is EASY and lots of fun.
Antique Vase
New Vase
Everything you need to make your own vase. We are all set up to show you exactly how to do it. We have collected
shells from all over the world, for decoration and for your projects. AND………….we are serving Mai Tai’s.
Another vase circa July 2011.