We are READY for SPRING! More photos from inside the store later today. If you see anything you are interested in just email or phone. susanstor@earthlink.net 415 456 1333
Don’t Forget Mother’s Day is May 8. We have Mother’s Day Gifts. Books, Handmade Cards, Antique Tea Cups, “Mothers are Awesome” Tea Towels, 90 Year Birthday waving Queen Elizabeth, A Special Steiff Bear, A Vintage Steiff Tiny Animal, Soaps from Italy, England, Paris, Vintage Hankies, Happy Mother’s Day Button and lots more.
If you cannot visit the store, you can purchase off our online SHOP. Or you can call or email
415 456 1333 susanstor@earthlink.net. We have years of experience helping you pick the perfect gift.
We are slowly getting ready for Christmas. It is always a fun time at Susan’s Store Room. One big party everyday.
If you see anything you like just give up a call 415 456 1333. We ship out everyday. We have taken pictures from around the store, so you can get an idea of what to expect. More pictures to come……………
And we are starting to put our Easter Basket’s together. We have baskets, grass, ribbon, rabbits, ducks, chicks, eggs, candy, stickers, soaps, cards, buttons, everything you need for your Easter Baskets. Vintage, antique and new for 2015 Steiff. New and Antique Paper Mache Eggs.
You can call or email to place orders. We ship out everyday and are happy to answer question.
415 456 1333 susanstor@earthlink.net