Celebrate Summer at our very popular SUMMER SALE!
JUNE 13 through JUNE 19
New items everyday as we organize the store.
Steiff, Antiques, Dolls, Holiday Decorations, Craft Bags, Stickers,
Hansa Animals, Christmas Ornaments, Dishes, Bags of Assorted Ribbons
and Flowers, Cards, Jewelry, Enamel Boxes, Books, Wrapping Paper, Toys,
Miniatures, Fourth of July and More.
We put tables out in front, it is fun for ALL.
415 456 1333
Everything for Your Easter Basket! Call or email with any questions. We ship out everyday.
[email protected] 415 456 1333 Easter is early this year, April 5.
Brisa with her Paddington Hat!
If you see anything you like, just call, we ship out everyday. 415 456 1333
or email [email protected]
And we are starting to put our Easter Basket’s together. We have baskets, grass, ribbon, rabbits, ducks, chicks, eggs, candy, stickers, soaps, cards, buttons, everything you need for your Easter Baskets. Vintage, antique and new for 2015 Steiff. New and Antique Paper Mache Eggs.
You can call or email to place orders. We ship out everyday and are happy to answer question.
415 456 1333 [email protected]
More pictures to come, so check back often. Paddington is our Steiff Replica with handmade coat and hat.
We make the suitcases. And we have the Limited Edition Marmalade from England. Paddington Books and More.
We LOVE the Paddington Movie. We think they should make a movie for Reggie, Clarence and Pansy. Does anyone
know who we can contact? We would LOVE to see Reggie, Clarence and Pansy animated. We own all the rights and would be DELIGHTED to have the books made into a movie.
The movie was so well done, it is FABULOUS!