Thoughtful Gifts for Everyone on Your List!
We are open! You must wear a mask and social distance. This is not a problem, because we have
lots of room. We miss seeing you!
Just in case you don’t have my book, here are a few sample pages from the book. I took a 100 year old bear to Africa,
he was a big hit. Steiff Replicated the Antique Bear I took on the trip. If you would like a copy of the book.
The book/journal is all true, everything actually happened, only it is written from the prospective of the 100 year
old Steiff Bear.
call 415 456 1333 or email [email protected] $12.95, plus shipping.
We hope to see all of you soon! Sale treasures throughout the store.
WE ARE OPEN! OK TO COME IN THE STORE. It has not been easy, but we will survive. I miss seeing all of you!
You will need to wear a mask and social distance. We have lots of room, so that will not be a problem.
Make a shell Vace. We will show you how!
Fairy House Kit $56.00 Easy and Fun.